Sunday, September 11, 2016

Forms of Media Used for Presentations

As a general rule, presentations are given for special occasions. There are a wide variety of reasons that you will be asked or even volunteer to do a presentation related to your career in IT. With technology advancing as fast as it is in today's world, there is so much that we need to know.  We then need to share that knowledge with other users, and it is sometimes hard to keep up. I personally prefer to use Microsoft's Power Point for all of my presentations.
The reason I choose Power Point is because it is so easy to work with, I can email the finished presentation to anyone that needs a copy before or after the meeting, and I can make print copies for anyone that needs a hard copy. Not all presentations require a visual aid.
Slide 1

In my current role, we mostly use the old, fashioned flip charts. We do not have a need for presentations for the most part. I am hoping that once I earn my degree, I will be able to obtain an IT Security position where I can share my knowledge and start training again. I would love to create Power Point presentations again as training materials. When we have corporate meetings, we are linked in to an online website and connect via the internet. Our CEO then speaks to all the offices at the same time via a projector type screen hooked up to a laptop. He also uses a Power Point presentation super imposed into the presentation as a visual aid.

In the past, I can remember the projectors that used the transparency sheets. I always wondered how they made the sheets during presentations. Then they came out with the dry erase markers that could be used on the transparency sheets and the image would be flipped so that it appeared correctly. Now they have the smart boards in school classrooms that the teachers use. These are a great asset to the teachers and the students. The old days of chalk on a chalk board are long gone. My children have had the pleasure of this amazing piece of technology. As always, as the demand grows, the technology follows it.

Reference (2016). Working with Visual Aids. Retrieved from

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